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Yemen Population and religion percentage

Yemen, officially the Republic of Yemen, is a country located on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. It is the second-largest Arab sovereign state in the peninsula. 

As per the UN World Population Prospects report, the estimated population of Yemen in 2025 is 36,000,452 (36 million or 3.6 Crore)

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Yemen location on Map

Yemen2025 Population
Total Population36,000,452
Global Rank48
Land Area 311,888 sq. km (120,421 sq. mi)
Area Rank49
Pop. Density56 people/sq. km
Growth Rate2.19%
Fertility Rate* of Yemen3.84
Infant mortality rate ** in Yemen2.1
Median Age in Yemen20.2 Years
Life Expectancy in Yemen79.27 years
Urban Population of  Yemen38.40%

Source: World Population Prospects 

Religion in Yemen

Islam is the main state religion of Yemen and is followed by 99% of the population. Islam in Yemen consists primarily of two principal Islamic religious groups: About 35% of the Muslim population is Shia and 65% is Sunni. Sunnis are primarily Shafi’i but also include significant groups of Malikis and Hanbalis.  The Sunnis are predominantly in the south and southeast.

Shias are primarily Zaydi and also have significant minorities of Ismaili and Twelver Shias. The Zaidis/Shias are predominantly in the north and northwest whilst the Ismailis are in the main centers such as Sana’a and Ma’rib. There are mixed communities in the larger cities.

About 0.05 % of Yemenis are non-Muslim – adhering to Christianity, Judaism, or Hinduism or having no religious affiliation.

Religion Percentage in Yemen

Sunni Islam65%
Zaidiyyah (Shia Islam)33.45%
Ismāʿīlism (Shia Islam)1.50%
Other religion0.05%

read about Religion in Asia

Laregst Cities in Yemen by Population
4Al HudaydahAl Hudaydah4,09,994
9BajilAl Hudaydah55,760
Population of Yemen 2025 | Religion in Yemen

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.