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Tanzania Population 2025

Tanzania, officially the United Republic of Tanzania, is a country in East Africa within the African Great Lakes region. The population distribution in Tanzania is significantly uneven. Most people live on the northern border or the coast, with much of the remainder of the country being sparsely populated. Density varies from 12 per sq. km in the Katavi Region to 3,133 per sq. km in the Dar es Salaam Region.

As per the UN World Population Prospects report, the estimated population of Tanzania in 2025 is 71,427,810 and According to the National Bureau of Census Tanzania, the population of Tanzania in 2023 is 61,741,120 (62 million or 6.2 Crore)

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Tanzania 2023 Population
Total Population 61,741,120 
Global Rank 23rd
Share of World Pop. 0.77%
Land Area  947,303 sq. km. (365,756 sq mi)
Area Rank 30th
Pop. Density 65 per Km2 (169 people per mi2)
Growth Rate 3.2%
Fertility Rate* 4.92
Infant mortality rate** 34.2
Median Age 18 years
Life Expectancy 66.39  years
Urban Population 37%

Religious Demographics of Tanzania (2025 Updated)

Tanzania doesn’t conduct a religious census so all figures are based on estimates and various studies. Still, Christianity is the majority religion and 2/3rd of the population follows Christianity. Islam is also widely followed and 1/3rd of the population follows Islam. A small minority of the population follows different African traditional religions.

According to a 2014 estimate by the CIA World Factbook, 61.4% of the population was Christian, 35.2% was Muslim, 1.8% practiced traditional African religions, 1.4% were unaffiliated with any religion, and 0.2% followed other religions. There are also active communities of other religious groups, such as Buddhists, Hindus, and Bahá’ís.

Religion in Tanzania 

Christianity 63.10%
Islam 34.10%
Traditional African religions 1.20%
Other Religion 0.10%
Unaffiliated/ No religion 0.00%
Christianity in Tanzania

Tanzania has the 7th largest Christian population in Africa. 27.7% of the population was Protestant and 25.6% was Catholic. Among Protestants, Lutherans are the largest followed by Pentecostals, Anglicans, and adherents of African-initiated churches. 

Muslims in Tanzania

Muslims in Tanzania communities are concentrated in coastal areas, some inside areas and Zanzibar is almost entirely Muslim. 40% of the country’s Muslim population is Sunni and 20 % are Shias. Ahmadiyya is at 15% and a smaller subset of Ibadism and nondenominational Muslims.

Religious Trends in Tanzania (2010-2050)

Tanzania’s religious landscape is projected to remain dominated by Christianity and Islam, with Christianity experiencing steady growth. In 2010, 63.1% of the population identified as Christian, rising to an estimated 66.6% by 2050. Islam, which accounted for 34.1% in 2010, is expected to decline slightly to 30.8% over the same period. Folk religions and other beliefs collectively remain a small fraction of the population.

YearChristianityIslamFolk ReligionsOthers

Source: Pew Research Center – Estimated Religious Composition of 198 Countries and Territories (2010-2050)

read about religion in Africa

Largest Cities in Tanzania by Population
1Dar es SalaamDar es Salaam43,64,541
10Zanzibar CityZanzibar West2,23,033

Source: Census 2012

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Population of Tanzania 2025 | Religion in Tanzania

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.