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Spain Population 2025 & Religious Demographics: Trends & Insights

Spain is a country in Southwestern Europe with some pockets of territory across the Strait of Gibraltar and the Atlantic Ocean. According to the Population registered in the census (provisional data) as of  01/01/2022, the Population of Spain is 47,435,597 (47.5 million or 4.75 Crores)

The estimated population of Spain in 2025: 49 million or 4.9 Crore

CategoryPopulationAnnual Change (%)
Total Population48,946,0350.88
Foreign Nationals6,735,4874.83

Data for October 1st, 2024 (Provisional value)

read about top countries in Europe by population

SpainOct. 2024 Population
Total Population48,946,035
Global Rank31st
Share of World Pop.0.6%
Land Area 498,980 sq. km (192,660 sq. mi)
Area Rank51st
Pop. Density98 per Km2 (254 people per mi2).
Growth rate-0.08%
Fertility Rate* in Spain1.33 
Infant mortality rate** in Spain 2
Median Age in Spain 44.9 years
Life Expectancy in Spain83.99 years
Urban Population of Spain80.3%

Religious Demographics of Spain (2025 Updated)

Christianity is the dominant religion in Spain, with 68% of the population identifying as Christian, the majority being Catholic. Other Christian affiliations make up less than 1%. Unaffiliated individuals account for 29%, including atheists, agnostics, or those with no particular belief. Among them, 86% were raised as Christians.

Non-Christian faiths make up 3% of the population. Islam is the second-largest religion, growing significantly due to immigration since the 2000s. Jews comprise less than 0.2%, mainly residing in Barcelona, Madrid, and Málaga.

Hinduism arrived in the early 20th century, with 40,000–50,000 Hindus, mostly from India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. There are around 40 Hindu temples in Spain. Buddhism has about 90,000 followers and 300,000 sympathizers, with nearly 300 Buddhist centers.

Other smaller faiths include Sikhism, Paganism, Taoism, and other minor religious groups.

  Catholicism 67%
  Other Christian -1%
Other Religion3%
  Islam -1.3%
  Hinduism/Sikhism -0.5%
  Judaism -0.2%
  Atheism -9.6%
  Did not answer-2.6%

Source: Pew Research Center and estimates

Religious Demographics in Spain (2010–2050)

According to Pew Research projections, Christianity remains the dominant religion in Spain but is steadily declining, dropping from 78.6% in 2010 to a projected 65.2% by 2050. At the same time, the unaffiliated population is increasing, rising from 19.0% to 26.5%. Islam, largely driven by immigration, is growing from 2.1% in 2010 to 7.5% by 2050. Other religious groups remain below 1% of the population.


Source: PEW research center

Largets Cities in Spain by Population

Madrid is Spain’s largest city, with over 3.3 million residents, followed by Barcelona (1.66 million) and Valencia (807,000). Seville, Zaragoza, and Málaga also have populations exceeding 500,000. 

RankCityAutonomous CommunityPop. 2023
1MadridCommunity of Madrid3,332,035
3ValenciaValencian Community807,693
7MurciaRegion of Murcia469,177
8PalmaBalearic Islands423,350
9Las PalmasCanary Islands378,027
10AlicanteValencian Community349,282
11BilbaoBasque Country346,096
13ValladolidCastile and León297,459
16GijónPrincipality of Asturias258,313
17Vitoria-GasteizBasque Country255,886
18A CoruñaGalicia247,376
19ElcheValencian Community238,293

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística (2023)


UN World Population Prospects 

Institute of National Statistics, Spain

PEW Research center

Population of Spain 2025 | Religion in Spain

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.