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Slovenia Population 2025

Slovenia, officially known as the Republic of Slovenia, is a country located in Central Europe. In June 1991, Slovenia became the first republic to break away from Yugoslavia, declaring its independence and becoming a sovereign state.

According to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, the population of Slovenia as of January 1, 2024, is 2,129,052 (2.1 million or 21 lakh). The country is known for its diverse geography, including the Alps, dense forests, and a small Adriatic coastline, as well as its high standard of living and strong economy.

read about Top countries in Europe by population

Slovenia Demographics

Slovenia  2024 Population
Total Population2,129,052 
Global Rank149
Land Area 20,151 sq. km (7,780 sq. mi)
Area Rank150
Pop. Density103 people/sq. km
Capital CityLjubljana
Fertility Rate* 1.42
Infant mortality rate ** 1.6
Median Age  44.5 Years
Life Expectancy 81.85 years
Urban Population 55%

*Fertility rate, average number of children born to women during their reproductive years.

**Infant mortality rate is the number of deaths per 1,000 live births of children under one year of age.


Religion in Slovenia

Christianity is the majority religion in Slovenia and is followed by 77.70% of the population. Among Christians, Catholicism was the largest denomination accounting for 72.10% of the population, and Eastern Orthodoxy was the second-largest sect comprising 3.70%.

Non-Christian faiths account for 6%, and the remaining 20% are classified as unaffiliated, which can mean agnostic, atheist, or “nothing in particular.”

Religion percentage in Slovenia 

Christian– 77.70%
– Roman Catholicism – 72.10%
– Serbian Orthodoxy – 3.70%
– Protestantism – 0.90%
– Other Christian – 1%
Unaffiliated /None18%
Islam 3%
Other religions 3%
Undeclared 2%

also read about religion in Europe

Largest Cities in Slovenia by Population

7Novo Mesto23,719


UN World Population Prospects 

Statistic Office Slovenia

PEW Research center

Population of Slovenia 2025 | Religion in Slovenia

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.