Rajkot City and District Population
Rajkot is the fourth-largest city in Gujarat, India, and is in the center of the Saurashtra region of Gujarat. Rajkot is the 35th-largest metropolitan area in India, with a population of more than 2 million as of 2024. Rajkot is the 26th largest city of India and the 22nd fastest-growing urban area in the world.
As per provisional reports of Census India, the population of Rajkot City in 2011 is 12,86,678 (12.86 Lakh) and its estimated population of Rajkot in 2024 is 16 lakh or 1.6 million.
Population of Rajkot in 2024 - 16 lakh
Rajkot City | Census 2011 | 2024 Estimate |
Total Population | 1,286,678 | 16 lakh |
Male Population | 674,355 | 8.38 lakh |
Female Population | 612,320 | 7.62 lakh |
Rajkot Demography | 2011 Census |
Average Literacy (%) | 87.80% |
% of Male Literates | 91.46% |
% of Female Literates | 83.81% |
Sex Ratio | 908 |
Child Sex Ratio | 836 |
Children (0-6 years) | 138,052 |
Sources: Census 2011
As per Census 2011, Rajkot has a population growth rate of 32.99% during 2001-2011. It’s expected to have a population growth rate of 20% during 2011-2021.
At the start of the 20th century, the Rajkot population was just 36 thousand & it don’t show any major growth until the Independence of India. After the 1950s the population saw a steady growth & reached 1 million in 2001 & 1.5 million in 2021.
Let’s look at population & percentage change from Year 1901 to 2021.
Year | Population | Actual Change | Percentage Change |
1901 | 36,151 | – | – |
1911 | 34,194 | -1,957 | -5.41% |
1921 | 45,845 | 11,651 | 34.07% |
1931 | 59,112 | 13,267 | 28.94% |
1941 | 66,353 | 7,241 | 12.25% |
1951 | 132,069 | 65,716 | 99.04% |
1961 | 194,145 | 62,076 | 47.00% |
1971 | 300,612 | 106,467 | 54.84% |
1981 | 445,076 | 144,464 | 48.06% |
1991 | 640,462 | 195,386 | 43.90% |
2001 | 967,476 | 327,014 | 51.06% |
2011 | 1,286,678 | 319,202 | 32.99% |
2021 (Estimate) | 1,540,000 | 253,322 | 19.69% |
Sources: Census 2011
Census 2011 Details
As per provisional reports of Census India, the population of Rajkot City in 2011 was 12,86,678 (12.86 Lakh) of which the male population was 6,74,355and the female population was 6,12,323
The initial provisional data released by Census India 2011, shows that the density of Rajkot for 2011 is 11700 people per sq. km. Rajkot city administers area is 110 sq. km
The average literacy rate of Rajkot City in 2011 was 87.80%. If things are looked at gender-wise, male and female literacy was 91.46% and 83.81% respectively. Total literate in Rajkot city was 1,008,485 of which 5,47,979 are males while 4,60,506 are females.
With regards to the Sex Ratio in Rajkot, it stood at 908 per 1000 males. The average national sex ratio in India is 940 as per the latest reports of the Census 2011 Directorate. In the 2011 census, the child sex ratio was 836 girls per 1000 boys
In census enumeration, data regarding children under 0-6 age were also collected. There were a total of 1,38,052 children under the age of 0-6 years. Of the total 75,205 are boys while 62,847 are girls. The child Sex Ratio as per the census 2011 was 836. In 2011, Children under 0-6 formed 10.37 % of the total population of Rajkot City
Sources: Census 2011
Rajkot District Population
Rajkot district is one of the 33 districts of Gujarat, India. Located in Saurashtra, It’s the third-most advanced district and the fourth-most populous district in Gujarat. As per census 2011, Rajkot District population is 3,804,558 (38 Lakhs) of which 1,974,445 are males and 1,830,113 are females.
The literacy rate is 82.2% & the Male-Female Sex ratio is 924. The child sex ratio is 862. The district has a population density of 339 inhabitants per square kilometer. Its population growth rate over the decade 2001-2011 was 19.87%. Its estimated population in 2024 is 43 lakh.
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