Rajasthan has a population growth rate during 2011-2021 of 15.62%. Its estimated population in 2021 is 79,281,000 (7.92 Crore)* an increase of around 1.07 Crore from 2011.
Rajasthan | Census 2011 | 2021 |
Total Population | 68,548,437 (6.85 Crore) | 7.92 Crore |
Male Population | 35,550,997 | 4.07 Crores |
Female Population | 32,997,440 | 3.85 Crores |
Sex Ratio | 928 | 945 |
Population Density | 200/km2 | 232/km2 |
Population Rank | 7th |
Total Area | 342,239 km2 |
Area Rank | 1st |
Average Literacy (%) | 66.1 % |
Formation | 30 March 1949 |
Capital City | Jaipur |
Source: Census 2011 & Census Population Projection Report