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Qatar Population and religion percentage

Qatar officially the State of Qatar, is a country located in Western Asia, occupying the small Qatar Peninsula on the northeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. As per the UN World Population Prospects report, the estimated population of  Qatar in 2024 is 2,737,061 (2.7 million or 27 lakh)

Qatar Demographics
Qatar 2024 Population
Total Population 2,737,061
Land Area  11,586 sq. km (4,473 sq. mi)
Pop. Density 248 people/sq. km
Capital City Doha
Fertility Rate* of Qatar  1.88
Infant mortality rate ** in Qatar  5.5
Median Age in Qatar  32.3 Years
Life Expectancy in Qatar  80.73 years
Urban Population of Qatar  96.2%

*Fertility rate, average number of children born to women during their reproductive years.

**Infant mortality rate is the number of deaths per 1,000 live births of children under one year of age.

Religion in Qatar

Islam is both the official and majority religion in Qatar. Its followed by  65.5% of the population with the majority practicing Sunni Islam. Shiites comprise around 10% of Qatar’s Muslim population. 

Hinduism is the second largest religion followed by 15.10% of the population. Most of the Hindus are expat population from India. The Christian community in Qatar is a diverse mix of European, North and South American, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African expatriates. They form around 14% of the total population.

Other religions represented in the country including Buddhism, Judaism, and Sikhism are practiced by non-nationals.

Religion percentage in Qatar 

Islam 65.50%
Hinduism 15.10%
Christianity 14.20%
Buddhism 3.30%
Other religions/ Unaffiliated 1.90%

Source: 2022 census

Population of Qatar 2024 | Religion in Qatar

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.