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Portugal Population and Religion Percentage

Portugal, officially the Portuguese Republic is a country located on the Iberian Peninsula, in south-western Europe. Its border to the west and south by the Atlantic Ocean and to the north and east by Spain. According to Statistics Portugal, as of 1st Jan 2023, the population of Portugal is 10,639,726  (10.6 million or 1.6 crore). As per the UN World Population Prospects report, the estimated population of Portugal in 2025 is 10,411,834 (10.4 million)

also read about Top countries in Europe by population

Total Population10,411,834 
Global Rank (Population)93
Land Area91,119 sq. km (35,181 sq. mi)
Area Rank109
Population Density114 people/sq. km
Growth Rate-0.23%
Fertility Rate1.52 children per woman
Infant Mortality Rate2.3
Median Age46.9 years
Life Expectancy82.5 years
Urban Population66.5%

Religion in Portugal

Christianity is the main religion in Portugal followed by 84.3% of the population. Roman Catholicism is the majority denomination of Christianity and in the past, the Catholic Church in Portugal was the state religion. 

According to the 2011 Census, 81% of the population of Portugal is Catholic, and the rest 3.3% follows other churches and denominations. Other includes Protestants and Eastern Orthodoxy.

Non-Christian faiths account for 1%, and the remaining 15% are classified as unaffiliated, which can mean agnostic, atheist, or “nothing in particular.”

Other religion includes Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Baháʼí Faith, and smaller faiths.

Religion / AffiliationsPercentage
– Catholicism – 81.00%
– Protestantism – 0.84%
– Eastern Orthodoxy – 0.63%
– Other Christian – 1.82%
Other Religions 
– Islam – 0.23%
– Judaism – 0.03%
– smaller faiths– 0.32%
Unaffiliated 15.13%
– No religion – 6.84%
– No response – 8.29%

Source: Portugal Census 2011

also read about religion in Europe

Largest Cities in Portugal by Population
3Vila Nova de GaiaPorto1,86,503
Population of Portugal 2025 | Religion in Portugal

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.