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Philippines Population 2025 and Religious Demographics: Trends & Insights

The Philippines, officially the Republic of the Philippines is an archipelago country in Southeast Asia. It is situated in the western Pacific Ocean and consists of about 7,640 islands. It’s the world’s thirteen-most populous country and the second most populated in Southeast Asia after Indonesia.

According to the 2020 census, the population of the Philippines is 109,035,343 or 109 million. As per the Philippine Statistics Authority, the estimated population of the Philippines in 2025 is 114,123,597 (11.4 Crore or 114 million).

Philippines Population Projection

YearEst Pop.

also read about the Filipino population in the United States

The Philippine population is equivalent to 1.41% of the total world population. The total Land Area of the Philippines is 298,170 sq. km (115,120 sq. mi) & the Population Density of the Philippines is 387 per Km2 (1003 people per mi2).

Philippines 2020 Census
Total Population109,035,343 (115 million)
Global Rank13th 
Share of World Pop.1.41%
Land Area 298,170 sq. km (115,120 sq. mi)
Area Rank72
Pop. Density387 per Km2 (1003 people per mi2).
Capital CityManila
Fertility Rate*2.58
Infant mortality rate**17.5
Median Age 25.7 years
Life Expectancy 71.66 years
Urban Population47.5%

*Fertility rate, average number of children born to women during their reproductive years.

**Infant mortality rate is the number of deaths per 1,000 live births of children under one year of age.

Religious Demographics of Philippines (2025 Updated)

Christianity is the majority religion in the Philippines and almost 90% of the population follows Christianity. The Philippines has the world’s third-largest Roman Catholic population and is the largest Christian nation in Asia.

As per Census studies, 79.50% of the Christian population are Roman Catholics. 2.64% of the people are members of Iglesia ni Cristo and 0.80% are members of an independent Catholic church Aglipayan.  Various Protestants Churches were 5.41% of the population and Jehovah’s Witnesses are at 0.40%.

Non-Christian faiths account for 7%, and the remaining 5% are classified as unaffiliated, which can mean agnostic, atheist, or “nothing in particular.”

Islam is the second-largest religion. The Muslim population of the Philippines was reported as 6.01% of the total population. The majority of Muslims live in Mindanao and nearby islands. Most practice Sunni Islam under the Shafi’i school.

Around 0.24% of the population practice indigenous Philippine folk religions, whose practices and folk beliefs are often syncretized with Christianity and Islam. Buddhism is practiced by around 0.03% of the population, concentrated among Filipinos of Chinese descent. Other Smaller faiths include Hindusim, Jews, and Baha’i- faith.

Religion Percentage in the Philippines

Religion / AffiliationsPercentage
Roman Catholicism 79.50%
Iglesia ni Cristo 2.60%
Aglipayan 0.80%
Jehovah’s Witnesses 0.40%
Evangelical Christianity 2.40%
Other Protestants 1.10%
Seventh-day Adventism 0.90%
Bible Baptist Church 0.60%
United Church of Christ in the Philippines 0.40%
Other Religions 
Islam 6%
Irreligion/Other Religions5.30%

Source: Census estimates

Projected Religious Demographics of the Philippines 

YearChristiansMuslimsFolk ReligionsOther Religions

Source: PEW research 

read about Top counties by the Christian population 

Largest Cities in Philippines by Population
1Quezon CityNational Capital Region2,936,116
2ManilaNational Capital Region1,780,148
3Davao CityDavao Region1,632,991
4CaloocanNational Capital Region1,583,978
5Cebu CityCentral Visayas922,611
6Zamboanga CityZamboanga Peninsula861,799
7TaguigNational Capital Region804,915
9PasigNational Capital Region755,300
10Cagayan de OroNorthern Mindanao675,950
11ParañaqueNational Capital Region665,822
13ValenzuelaNational Capital Region620,422
15General SantosSoccsksargen594,446
16Las PiñasNational Capital Region588,894
17MakatiNational Capital Region582,602
18San Jose del MonteCentral Luzon574,089
19BacolodWestern Visayas561,875
20MuntinlupaNational Capital Region504,509

Source: 2015 Census

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Population of Philippines 2025 | Religion in Philippines

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.