Madhya Pradesh Population 2024

Madhya Pradesh is a state in the central region of India. It is the second-largest state by area and the fifth-largest state by population with over 75 million residents. As per population Projection reports of Census India, the estimated population of Madhya Pradesh in 2025 is 88,641,000 (8.86 Crore)

YearPopulation% Growth
Decadal Growth (2011-2021)

Madhya Pradesh has a population growth rate of 2011-2021 of 16.39%. Its estimated population in 2021 is 84,516,000 (8.45 Crore)* an increase of around 1.19 Crores from 2011.

Madhya PradeshCensus 2011 2021 Estimated
Total Population72,626,809 (7.26 Crore)8.45 Crore
Male Population37,612,3064.36 Crore
Female Population35,014,5034.09 Crore
Sex Ratio931938
Population Density236/km2274/km2
Population Rank5th
Total Area308,245  km2
Area Rank2nd
Average Literacy (%)69.30%
Formation1 November 1956
Capital CityBhopal

Source: Census 2011 & Census Population Projection report

Madhya Pradesh Historical Population

Madhya Pradesh has a population growth rate of  16.37% during 2011-2021. In 1910 Population of Madhya Pradesh was 1.26 Crore and in the Year 2021 it reached 8.45 Crore, an increase of almost 7.19 Crores. 

Let’s look at decade population & percentage change from the Year 1901 to 2021

Census YearPopulationAbsolute ChangePercentage Change
191114,249,382+1,570,168   +12.38         
193115,326,879+1,420,105   +10.21         
194117,175,722+1,848,843   +12.06         
195118,614,931+1,439,209   +8.38         
196123,217,910+4,602,979   +24.73         
197130,016,625+6,798,715   +29.28         
198138,168,507+8,151,882   +27.16         
199148,566,242+10,397,735   +27.24         
200160,348,023+11,781,781   +24.26         
201172,626,809+12,278,786   +20.35         
2021 (estimated)84,516,000+11,889,191   +16.37         
Population of Madhya Pradesh 2025 | मध्य प्रदेश की जनसंख्या

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.