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Greece Population and Religion Percentage

Greece, officially the Hellenic Republic, is a country located in Southeast Europe. Greece is located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. According to the Hellenic Statistical Authority, the population of Greece in 2024 is 10,400,720 (10.4 million)

read about Top countries by population in Europe

Greece2024 Population
Total Population10,400,720
Global Rank87
Land Area 130,647 sq. km (50,443 sq. mi)
Area Rank95
Pop. Density124 people/sq. km
Growth rate-0.42%
Fertility Rate* of Greece1.3
Infant mortality rate ** in Greece2.4
Median Age in Greece45.6 year
Life Expectancy in Greece82.80 years
Urban Population of Greece84.90%

Religion in Greece

Greece is the most religious European nation and the majority of the population follows Christianity. Christianity is followed by 93% of the population and an estimated 90% of Greek citizens identify themselves as Eastern Orthodox, belonging to the Greek Orthodox Church. Other Christians are at 3% of the population and it included Catholics, Old Calendarists, Protestants, and other smaller denominations

Non-Christian faiths account for 3%, and the remaining 4% are classified as unaffiliated, which can mean agnostic, atheist, or “nothing in particular.”

Other Religion includes Islam, Jews, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other smaller faiths. Muslims account for 2% of the Greece population and others are less than a percent.

Religion percentage in Greece 

Religion/ AffiliationsPercentage
– Orthodox Christianity – 90%
– Other Christians– 3%
Other Religions1%

Source: Pew research center

read about Christianity in world

Largest Cities in Greece by Population
2ThessalonikiCentral Macedonia8,24,676
3PatrasWestern Greece1,67,446
9ChalcisCentral Greece59,125
10SerresCentral Macedonia58,287
11AlexandroupoliEastern Macedonia and Thrace57,812
12XanthiEastern Macedonia and Thrace56,122
13KateriniCentral Macedonia55,997
15KavalaEastern Macedonia and Thrace54,027
17LamiaCentral Greece52,006
18KomotiniEastern Macedonia and Thrace50,990
19RhodesSouth Aegean49,541
20AgrinioWestern Greece46,899
Population of Greece 2025 | Religion in Greece

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.