As per provisional reports of Census India, the population of Gorakhpur City in 2011 is 6,73,446 (6.73 Lakh) of which the male population is 3,53,907 and the female population is 3,19,539
The initial provisional data released by census India 2011, shows that the density of Gorakhpur for 2011 is 4766 people per sq. km. Gorakhpur city administers an area is 141 sq. km
The average literacy rate of Gorakhpur City in 2011 was 83.91%. If things are looked out at gender-wise, male and female literacy was 88.67% and 78.65% respectively. The total literate in Gorakhpur city was 506,694 of which 281,118 are males while 225,576 are females.
With regards to the Sex Ratio in Gorakhpur, it stood at 903 per 1000 males. The average national sex ratio in India is 940 as per the latest reports of the Census 2011 Directorate. In the 2011 census, the child sex ratio is 887 girls per 1000 boys
In census enumeration, data regarding children under 0-6 age were also collected. There were a total of 69,596 children under the age of 0-6 years. Of the total 36,881 are boys while 32,715 are girls. The child Sex Ratio as per the census 2011 was 887. In 2011, Children under 0-6 formed 10.33 % of the total population of Gorakhpur City