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Cambodia Population and religion percentage

Cambodia, officially the Kingdom of Cambodia, is a country located in the southern portion of the Indochinese Peninsula in Southeast Asia. It is bordered by Thailand to the northwest, Laos to the north, Vietnam to the east, and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest. The capital and largest city is Phnom Penh.

As per the UN World Population Prospects reports, the population of  Cambodia  in 2024 is 17,121,847 (17 million or 1.7 Crore)

Cambodia Location on Map

Table of Contents

Cambodia2024 Population
Total Population17,121,847
Land Area 176,515 sq. km (68,153 sq. mi)
Pop. Density95 people/sq. km
Capital CityPhnom Penh
Fertility Rate2.52
Infant mortality rate 19.3
Median Age 25.6 Years
Life Expectancy 70.54 years
Urban Population 24.2 %

Religion in Cambodia

Buddhism is the majority religion in Cambodia and Theravada Buddhism is the official religion of Cambodia. Theravada Buddhism is practiced by more than 95 percent of the population and is deeply influenced by Hinduism and native animism.

Mahayana Buddhism is the religion of the majority of Chinese and Vietnamese in Cambodia. Elements of other religious practices, such as the veneration of folk heroes and ancestors, Confucianism, and Taoism mixed with Chinese Buddhism are also practiced.

Other Religions include Islam, Christianity, and folk religions. Islam is followed by about 1-2% of the population and comes in three varieties, two practiced by the Cham people and a third by the descendants of Malays, resident in the country for generations.

Religion percentage in Cambodia 

Religion/ AffiliationsPercent %
Christianity 0.50%

Ethnic Composition

Cambodia’s population is largely homogeneous and the vast majority of Cambodia’s population is of ethnic Khmer origin. The largest ethnic group in Cambodia is the Khmers, who comprise around 90% of the total population in Cambodia, and are indigenous to the lowland Mekong subregion in which they inhabit. The minority groups include Chams (1.2%), Vietnamese (0.1%), and Chinese (0.1%).

Ethnic Percentage

  • Khmer – 95.6% 
  • Cham – 2.4% 
  • Chinese 1.5%
  • Vietnamese – 0.2% 
  • Others – 0.3% 

Source: Census Estimates

Top Cities in Cambodia by Population
1Phnom PenhCapital22,81,951
2Siem ReapSiem Reap2,45,494
4SisophonBanteay Meanchey99,019
5PoipetBanteay Meanchey98,934
6Ta KhmauKandal75,629
7SihanoukvillePreah Sihanouk73,036
8SamraongOddar Meanchey70,944
10Stueng SaenKampong Thom53,118
11Chbar MonKampong Speu50,359
12BavetSvay Rieng43,783
13Doun KaevTakéo43,402
14Svay RiengSvay Rieng41,424
15Kampong ChhnangKampong Chhnang41,080
16Kampong ChamKampong Cham38,365
18Prey VengPrey Veng36,254
19SuongTboung Khmum35,054

Source: Census 2019

Population of Cambodia 2024 | Religion in Cambodia

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.