Bhubaneswar Population 2024
Bhubaneswar is the capital city of the Indian state of Odisha. Known as the “Temple City”, Bhubaneswar is the largest city in Odisha. Bhubaneswar and Cuttack are often referred to as the ‘twin cities of Odisha’. The metropolitan area formed by the two cities had a population of 1.7 million in 2011.
As per the provisional data of the 2011 census, Bhubaneswar City had a population of 8,43,402 (8.43 Lakh) and the Estimated Population of Bhubaneswar in 2024 is 11 lakh or (1.1 million)
Bhubaneswar City | Census 2011 | 2024 Estimate |
Total Population | 8,43,402 (8.43 Lakh) | 11 Lakh |
Male Population | 4,46,204 | 5.8 Lakh |
Female Population | 3,97,198 | 5.2 Lakh |
Bhubaneswar Demography | 2011 Census |
Average Literacy (%) | 91.87% |
% of Male Literates | 94.66% |
% of Female Literates | 88.73% |
Sex Ratio | 890 |
Child Sex Ratio | 904 |
Children (0-6 years) | 81,847 |
Source: Census 2011 and Census Estimates
Bhubaneswar Historical Population
As per Census 2011, Bhubaneswar has a population growth rate of 29.75% during 2001-2011. It’s expected to have a population growth rate of 20% during 2011-2021.
In the year 1951, the Population of Bhubaneswar is just 16 thousand & it reached 2 lakh by 1980. The growth in the city took place in last 40 years & now it’s estimated around 1 million. Let’s look at population & percentage change from the Year 1951 to 2021.
Census Year | Population | Actual Change | Percentage Change |
1951 | 16,512 | – | – |
1961 | 38,211 | 21,699 | 131.41% |
1971 | 105,491 | 67,280 | 176.07% |
1981 | 219,211 | 113,720 | 107.80% |
1991 | 411,542 | 192,331 | 87.74% |
2001 | 648,032 | 236,490 | 57.46% |
2011 | 840,834 | 192,802 | 29.75% |
2021 (estimate) | 1,009,000 | 168,166 | 20.00% |
Sources: Census 2011
Demographic Details
The initial provisional data released by census India 2011, shows that the density of Bhubaneswar for 2011 is 2131 people per sq. km. The Bhubaneswar city administers an area of 135 sq. km.
The average literacy rate of Bhubaneswar City in 2011 was 91.87%. If things are looked out at gender-wise, male and female literacy was 94.66% and 88.73% respectively. The total literate in Bhubaneswar was 6,99,610 of which 3,81,665 are males while 3,17,945 are females.
With regards to the Sex Ratio in Bhubaneswar, it stood at 890 per 1000 males. The average national sex ratio in India is 940 as per the latest reports of the Census 2011 Directorate. In the 2011 census, the child sex ratio is 904 girls per 1000 boys.
In census enumeration, data regarding children under 0-6 age were also collected. There were a total of 81,847 children under the age of 0-6 years. Of the total 42,997 are boys while 38,850 are girls. The child Sex Ratio as per the census 2011 was 904. In 2011, Children under 0-6 formed 9.70 % of the total population of Bhubaneswar City.
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