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Armenia Population and religion percentage

Armenia officially the Republic of Armenia is a landlocked country located in the Armenian Highlands of Western Asia. It’s part of the Caucasus region. As per the UN World Population Prospects report, the estimated population of  Armenia  in 2024 is 2,777,979 (2.8 million or 28 lakh)

Armenia2023 Population
Total Population2,777,970
Land Area 28,342 sq. km (10,943 sq. mi)
Pop. Density104 people/sq. km
Capital CityYerevan
Fertility Rate* of Armenia1.76
Infant mortality rate ** in Armenia9.4
Median Age in Armenia35.4 years.
Life Expectancy in Armenia75.55 years
Urban Population of Armenia62.8 %

*Fertility rate, average number of children born to women during their reproductive years.

**Infant mortality rate is the number of deaths per 1,000 live births of children under one year of age.

Religion in Armenia

Christianity is the majority religion in Armenia and over 93% of Christians in Armenia belong to the Armenian Apostolic Church (Oriental Orthodoxy). Other Christian denominations account for 2.3% of the population. 

Other religions are in a small percentage, around 1% of the population follows Yazidism and small numbers of people follow Islam. and the remaining 4% are classified as unaffiliated, which can mean agnostic, atheist, or “nothing in particular.”

Religion percentage in Armenia 

Armenian Apostolic Church  (Oriental Orthodoxy)92.50%
Other Christian 2.30%
Yazidism 0.80%
Other Religion0.40%
None 4.00%

Source: Wikipedia

Armenia Ethnic composition

Ethnic Armenians make up 98.1% of the population. Yazidis make up 1.2%, and Russians 0.4%. Other minorities include Assyrians, Ukrainians, Greeks (usually called Caucasus Greeks), Kurds, Georgians, Belarusians, and Jews. There are also smaller communities of Vlachs, Mordvins, Ossetians, Udis, and Tats. Minorities of Poles and Caucasus Germans also exist though they are heavily Russified.

Top Cities in Armenia by Population
Population of Armenia 2024 | Religion in Armenia

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.