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Argentina Population 2025
Argentina, officially the Argentine Republic, is a country located in the southern half of South America. It is the second-largest country on the continent by area, after Brazil, and the third most populous. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina, the country’s population was recorded at 46,044,703 in the 2022 census. As of July 1, 2024, the estimated population stands at 47,067,641 (approximately 47 million).
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Argentina | 2024 Population |
Total Population | 47,067,641 |
Global Rank | 32nd |
Share of World Pop. | 0.58% |
Land Area | 2,736,690 sq.km (1,056,640 sq. mi) |
Area Rank | 8 |
Pop. Density | 17 persons/sq.km |
Growth Rate | 0.58% |
Fertility Rate* | 2.27 |
Infant mortality rate** | 9 |
Median Age | 31.5 |
Life Expectancy | 77.9 Years |
Urban Population | 92.8% |
Religion in Argentina
Christianity is the largest religion in Argentina followed by 79.6 % of the population. Catholics with 62.9% adherents largest denomination followed by Protestants (13.0 %); Evangelical (2.3 %); Jehovah’s Witness and Mormon (1.4 %).
Other faiths or religions are at 1.2% and include Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism. Irreligion is 9.7 %; Atheist is 6.0 % and Agnostic at 3.2 %.
Religion percentage in Argentina
Religion | Percentage |
Christian | 79.60% |
– Roman Catholic | – 62.90% |
– Protestant | – 13.00% |
– Evangelical | – 2.30% |
– Jehovah’s Witness and Mormon | – 1.40% |
Other religions | 1.20% |
No religion / Unaffiliated | 18.90% |
– Irreligion | – 9.70% |
– Atheist | – 6.00% |
– Agnostic | – 3.20% |
Source: census estimates
Argentina Ethnic Composition
Argentina’s population is ethnically diverse with almost 90% being of European ancestry and also having some indigenous or mestizo ancestry. About 4% have some African or mulatto ancestry.
Approx 2.38% of the population identified as indigenous or first-generation descendants of indigenous peoples. In addition, Argentines of Arab (mostly Syrian and Lebanese) descent constitute a significant minority, and the Jewish population is the largest in all of Latin America and the seventh in the world.
Racial Composition of Argentina
- European or Mestizo – 81%
- African ancestry – 4%
- Arab and other Asian – 2.9%
- Amerindian or Indigenous – 2.1%
Argentina Population by Province
# | Province | 2022 Population |
1 | Buenos Aires | 17,408,906 |
2 | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | 3,095,454 |
3 | Córdoba | 3,812,064 |
4 | Santa Fe | 3,519,059 |
5 | Mendoza | 2,030,773 |
6 | Tucumán | 1,727,337 |
7 | Salta | 1,434,225 |
8 | Entre Ríos | 1,415,097 |
9 | Chaco | 1,124,603 |
10 | Santiago del Estero | 1,057,752 |
11 | Corrientes | 1,209,671 |
12 | Misiones | 1,273,347 |
13 | San Juan | 819,445 |
14 | Jujuy | 809,364 |
15 | Río Negro | 747,697 |
16 | Neuquén | 708,578 |
17 | Formosa | 605,507 |
18 | Chubut | 589,454 |
19 | San Luis | 540,548 |
20 | La Rioja | 382,453 |
21 | La Pampa | 359,193 |
22 | Santa Cruz | 335,677 |
23 | Catamarca | 427,625 |
24 | Tierra del Fuego | 184,958 |
Source: Census 2022
Largest Cities in Argentina by Population
# | City | Region | Population |
1 | Buenos Aires | (Autonomous city) | 30,54,000 |
2 | Córdoba | Córdoba | 15,19,000 |
3 | Rosario | Santa Fe | 14,29,000 |
4 | Mendoza | Mendoza | 10,82,000 |
5 | San Miguel de Tucumán | Tucumán | 8,68,000 |
6 | La Plata | Buenos Aires | 8,36,000 |
7 | Mar del Plata | Buenos Aires | 6,33,000 |
8 | Salta | Salta | 6,25,000 |
9 | Santa Fe | Santa Fe | 5,30,000 |
10 | San Juan | San Juan | 5,13,000 |
11 | Resistencia | Chaco | 4,09,000 |
12 | Santiago del Estero | Santiago del Estero | 4,06,000 |
13 | Corrientes | Corrientes | 3,83,000 |
14 | Posadas | Misiones | 3,55,000 |
15 | San Salvador de Jujuy | Jujuy | 3,38,000 |
16 | Neuquén | Neuquén | 3,09,000 |
17 | Bahía Blanca | Buenos Aires | 3,07,000 |
18 | Paraná | Entre Ríos | 2,74,000 |
19 | Formosa | Formosa | 2,58,000 |
20 | San Luis | San Luis | 2,18,000 |
Source: Census 2015
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