Allahabad (Prayagraj) Population 2024

Allahabad officially known as Prayagraj is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. As of 2011, Prayagraj is the seventh most populous city in Uttar Pradesh, and 36th in India, with an estimated population of 1.11 million in the city and 1.21 million in its metropolitan region. In 2011 it was ranked the world’s 40th fastest-growing city.

As per provisional reports of Census India, the population of Prayagraj /Allahabad City in 2011 is 1,168,385 (11.16 Lakh) and the estimated population of Prayagraj in 2024 is 13.50 lakh

Population of Allahabad in 2024 - 13.50 lakh (approx)

Allahabad CityCensus 20112024 Estimate
Total Population1,168,38513.50 lakh
Male Population630,5777.27 lakh
Female Population537,8086.23 lakh
Allahabad Demography2011 Census
City Area88.17 sq. km
Density of Population13252 per sq. km
Average Literacy (%)84.76%
% of Male Literates88.37%
% of Female Literates80.53%
Sex Ratio853
Child Sex Ratio869
Children (0-6 years)114,439 

Sources: Census 2011

As per Census 2011, Allahabad has a population growth rate of 14.76% during 2001-2011.  It’s expected to have a population growth rate of 12% during 2011-2021. In 1901 Allahabad’s population was 1.72 lakh & remained steady till 1930. It reached 1 million in 2021 & now is estimated at around 1.3 million.

Let’s look at population & percentage change from  Year 1901 to 2021.

YearPopulationActual ChangePercentage Change
2021 (estimate) 1,310,000141,61512.12%

Sources: Census 2011

Census 2011 Details

As per provisional reports of Census India, the population of Allahabad City in 2011 is 1,168,385 (11.16 Lakh) of which the male population is 630,577 and the female population is 537,808


The initial provisional data released by census India 2011, shows that the density of Allahabad City is 13252 people per sq. km. Allahabad city administers area is 88.17 sq. km


The average literacy rate of Allahabad City in 2011 was 84.76 %. If things are looked out at gender wise, male and female literacy was 88.37 % and 80.53 % respectively. Total literate in Allahabad city was 846,038 of which 476,477 are males while 369,561 are females.


With regards to the Sex Ratio in Allahabad, it stood at 853 per 1000 males. The average national sex ratio in India is 940 as per the latest reports of Census 2011 Directorate. In the 2011 census, the child sex ratio is 869 girls per 1000 boys


In census enumeration, data regarding child under 0-6 age were also collected. There were a total of 114,439 children under the age of 0-6 years. Of total 61,214 are boys while 53,225 are girls. Child Sex Ratio as per census 2011 was 940. In 2011, Children under 0-6 formed 10.29% of the total population of Allahabad City

Sources: Census 2011

Prayagraj District Population

Allahabad District, officially known as Prayagraj district, is one of the largest and most populous districts of Uttar Pradesh. As per the census 2011, the Allahabad District population is 5,954,391 (59.54 Lakh), and its estimated population in 2024 is 66 lakhs.

Allahabad districtCensus 2011
Total Population5,954,391
Male Population3,131,807
Female Population2,822,584
Average Literacy (%)72.32 %
Sex Ratio901
Child Sex Ratio893
Population of Allahabad 2024 | Praygaraj population

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.

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