Noida Population 2024

Noida short for New Okhla Industrial Development Authority, is a city located in Gautam Buddha Nagar district of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh at the fringes of Delhi, the national capital. As per the provisional data of the 2011 census, Noida had a population of 6,37,272 (6.37 Lakhs) and Estimated Population of Noida in 2024 is 9 lakh

Noida CityCensus 20112024 Estimates
Total Population637,272 (6.37 Lakhs)9 Lakh
Male Population349,3974.9 Lakh
Female Population287,8754.1 Lakh
Noida Demography2011 Census
Average Literacy (%)88.58%
% of Male Literates92.90%
% of Female Literates82.38%
Sex Ratio824
Child Sex Ratio864
Children (0-6 years)85,699

Source: Census 2011

As per the 1981 Census, the Noida population was 36,972, mainly the population of villages. In 1991, Noida was categorized as a Census Town and by this time 29 villages were urbanized and constituted the developed urban area of Noida, which had a population of 1,46,514 persons. The 1991 Census also revealed that in addition to the population in the developed urban limits of Noida, 34,489 persons lived in the peripheral villages. Thus the total population residing within the Notified Area of Noida was 1, 81,003 in 1991.

The Noida city grew by nearly 400 percent during 1981-91 and 108 percent during 1991-2001. A study by the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi (SPA), estimated that the population had increased to 2,11,534 in 1995. The study also suggested that as much as 20 percent of the population lived in slum clusters, another 48 percent in the urban villages and only 32 percent resided in the developed residential sectors. Noida Population, as reported by the Census of India, 2001 was 305058 persons. 

Census 2011 Details

As per the provisional data of the 2011 census, Noida had a population of 6,37,272 (6.37 Lakh) out of which the male population was 3,49,397 and the female population was 2,87,875.


The initial provisional data released by census India 2011, shows that the density of Noida City for 2011 is 2463 people per sq. km. Noida city administers area is 203 sq. km


The average literacy rate was 88.58 percent. Male literacy was 92.90% and female literacy was 83.28%. The total literate in Noida city was 4,77,272 of which 2,76,355 are males while 2.00,917 are females.  


With regards to the Sex Ratio in Noida, it stood at 824 per 1000 malesThe average national sex ratio in India is 940 as per the latest reports of the Census 2011 Directorate. In the 2011 census, the child sex ratio is 864 girls per 1000 boys


In census enumeration, data regarding children under 0-6 age were also collected. There were a total of 85,699 children under the age of 0-6 years. Of the total 45,967 are boys while 39,732 are girls. The child Sex Ratio as per the census 2011 was 864. In 2011, Children under 0-6 formed 13.45 % of the total population of Noida City


The Total Number of Households in Noida is 1,53,474.

Gautam Buddha Nagar Population

Noida and Greater Noida come under District Gautam Buddha Nagar. 

In 2011, Gautam Buddha Nagar had a population of 1,648,115 of which male and female were 890,214 and 757,901 respectively. The estimated population of Gautam Buddha Nagar in 2024 is 20 lakh.

GBN DistrictCensus 2011
Total Population1,648,115
Area1442 sq. km,
Pop. Density1100 per sq. km.
Average Literacy (%)71.92%
Sex Ratio875
Child Sex Ratio881

Greater Noida Population

As per the provisional data of the 2011 census, Greater Noida had a population of 120,054 out of which the male population was 55,540 and the female population was 46,514. The Estimated population of Greater Noida in 2024 is 4 lakh

Noida Population 2024 | Gautam Buddha Nagar Population

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.

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